The Best Camera

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Holly Higbee-Jansen @hhjphoto

Maybe I wasn't completely truthful when I told you that my only love was my Olympus OM DE M5. I love my Olympus, but it's not the first camera I pick up on a daily basis. Wow, that was a big confession, coming from a professional photographer.

So what's the best camera?

In Chase Jarvis' book, The best Camera is the One That's With You, he opened up the thought that you should be out there shooting and documenting your life. It doesn't matter if you are using a Brownie Camera, an iPhone or a $5000 Nikon. If you are out there documenting your world, you are creating art, your art, and now you can easily share it with the world.

So many people want to 'dis the iPhone camera as a toy and they tell me they never get anything good from it. Do you get anything good from your more advanced camera?

If you concentrate on your art, take time to think about what you are doing, look at the light, look at the composition you will have a completely different experience with that camera you thought wasn't worthwhile. Do it every time. Think about what you are doing. Don't go for the happy accident, create beauty every day. Look for interesting shapes, colors, animals, people, compositions.

There are some apps that I love that make the iPhone more fun and interactive. First thing, if I take a picture with the iPhone, I edit it in the iPhone. To me that keeps my iPhone work pure and set apart from my professional work.

So anyone can get pictures like these, it just takes some practice. My favorite App by far is Hipstamatic. With this app you have the ability to set up a "lens" and a "film". When you get it, set up your film as Kodot and your lens as John S. Then play from there.

Show me what you come up with, I'd love to see it.

Holly Higbee-Jansen has been exploring her fascination with light through photography since she was a young child. Holly teaches landscape photography, is a personal guide for Jansen Photo Expeditions , and runs a successful glamour photography business, Natural Light Photography . Sign up to receive our free newsletter at .