The Best Of: The First Dance

Posted on the 03 August 2016 by Belinda Mccarthy @b_mccarthyphoto

The first dance of the bride and groom - time to kick off the evening wedding celebrations! However, it's often the case that the wedding couple don't look forward to their first dance as much as they should, as the idea of being watched on the dancefloor can be rather intimidating - particularly as they may feel expected to give a 'romantic' dance.

Well, here's a heads up - you can do whatever the heck you like on your first dance! You don't need to smooch, you don't need to learn a complicated dance routine. All those people are there watching you because they love you and support you. They want you to have a wonderful time, not to dread opening up the dancing!

That's why this particular image, shot at Maunsel House in Somerset, is one of my favourite first dance wedding photographs. The couple were absolutely in the moment and joyously experiencing that once in a lifetime event of their first dance. The looks on their faces, captured here, show that they had one HECK of a time on their first dance, and therefore, so did everyone watching!

The evening wedding reception is generally designed to be a very different celebration to the afternoon - it's a party. That's right, a party! You can kick off your heels, throw caution to the wind, forget about the formalities and stress of the day which has gone before, and just celebrate in any way you please. Your first dance can be anything you please; fast, slow, air guitar, ceilidh, even the conga if you so desire. Don't let anyone dictate to you what you should or shouldn't do on your wedding day, for your first dance. You get one wedding day, so make it count. And when it comes to your first dance.... forget those watching eyes, look into the eyes of your new husband or wife, and embrace the moment. This couple certainly did, and I LOVE this photograph all the more because of the joy and excitement it captured.