The BIG Move!

Posted on the 14 September 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
As some of you may know the hubs and I will be moving across state lines very soon! We are moving to Alabama (holla to any AL bloggers! are there any out there?). I actually don't know any AL bloggers, so if you do, send them my way. We backwoods folk got to stick together. Actually, it is not as 'rural' as I thought it was, but it's definitely not 'city' where we are moving either. We are moving for a number of reasons, and honestly, none of them compare to the first reason. We just really feel God leading us in a new direction and we are anticipating how this BIG change will influence our lives and the lives of others. I have several goals in mind for our move and our lifestyle once we are settled in. I thought I would share them with you guys...
Side note: I am SO SORRY for not blogging on the regular. Honestly, after you take a break from blogging, it's hard to get back into the routine. I may not blog, like everyday, but I will certainly try to post as much as possible. We just have so much going on. Stick with me, mmk?
So, back to the BIG move. I really hope to reign in our lifestyle and implement a more organized, fruitful, and Christ-centered life and marriage. We all have our moments where we aren't at our best. Things get out of whack and its hard to accomplish anything. That's how I feel my life has been for quite a while. I wouldn't say anything was 'wrong' per se, but definite changes needed to be made. My job made a transition in the spring and I knew big things were coming, I just couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. I also knew that I needed to get a few things in order. I hate when I feel unproductive or like I'm failing. I really hate it! And who doesn't? We all want to be living the best life possible. I know for months I have not (ouch!). Its a painful realization, but there comes a point when you have to say, 'no more!' I kind of did that with the 90 day challenge idea.
Another side note: I do plan to engage with the 90 day challenge at full throttle speed after the move. I need some time to really plan and prepare.
So, here are the things our family would like to work on:
1. Formulate a more Christ-centered home by being involved with church, outreach activities, and daily prayer/devotion as a couple.
2. Use less curse words! This may not seem awful, but my language can be etrocious at times. Not necessarily, filthy, but just negative and belittling. We all do it, but I need to do it much, much less! Only positive and uplifting language!
3. Implement a daily schedule of meals, chores, and 'couple time'. I really would like to plan weekly meals, weekend meals, cleaning, and date nights. This is a BIG one for us!
4. Begin a healthy routine. This involves being physically active as well as eating healthy. I will have two more hours a day that isn't spent in a car so I need to use it wisely and to my benefit.
5. Begin planning my PhD endeavors, including taking the GRE (yikes). I am nervous/excited about this!
6. Talk openly about family. I know I have said before I am in no way interested in being a mother RIGHT NOW, but what does that look like in the future? The hubs and I need to pray and talk about having a family. I know this may not mean much, but I am heading into my 30s in the coming years, and fertility decreases as time goes on. I don't want to miss my time, but I also want to explore my fears of motherhood and if they are fears, or straight up 'no baby' feelings. Also, we may explore other avenues such as adoption (pregnancy just terrifies me). I know many who have chosen adoption for a variety of reasons and it has always intrigued me.
Source: via Agne on Pinterest

Source: via Jamee on Pinterest

Source: via Carol on Pinterest

So, those are our goals for now. I am sure I will add more as time goes on. What about you? Any tips for our move/lifestyle change?
Thanks for sticking with me during this blog hiatus! More to come...