Diaries Magazine

The Birthday Series.... CAKE

Posted on the 04 June 2013 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw

The Birthday Series.... CAKE
Darcie's birthday cake was made by my lovely friends Mum, Rachel, who makes amazing cakes for all sorts of occasions. When I contacted her I wasn't really sure what I wanted, I had seen lots of designs that I loved (remember my post HERE) and one in particular stood out to me...The Birthday Series.... CAKE(Source)

So I gave Rachel the picture and said I wanted something like this. I think Rachel did an amazing job and thought it looked so beautiful. We opted for a chocolate cake as I knew mainly adults would be eating this and me and Jamie (The diabetic I may add) are chocoholics! The cake not only looked superb, it tasted divine! If you liked the look of Darcie's cake and want to find out more, head over to Rachel's Facebook page and give her a like HEREThe Birthday Series.... CAKE
For people to be able to take some cake home, I had some paper bags made on Ebay by a shop called Label Amour which came out beautifully! They were very cheap priced at £2.50 for 10! You can find them HERE.Mummy B xoxox

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