"People prefer to believe the worst of others", announced my friend.
"You have spent a lot of time on Social media recently", I deduced with the aplomb of a Sherlock Holmes.
"Shut it! Yes, I have, but it is true of people even otherwise."
"You are becoming a cynic in your dotage."
"Nonsense! Tell me, if a person is accused of something and the people in his circles say he is incapable of doing it, what would you say?"
"You cannot believe them. Of course, they will say anything to support their friend."
"If someone who does not know him well says that he is a good guy?"
"If this chap does not know him well, how can he know whether he is good or not?"
"So, then, if someone who knows him well says he is a bad actor?"
"Well, he ought to know what sort of person he is dealing with. Of course, I will believe him."
"And if someone who does not know him well says he is evil?"
"Well, naturally he would be saying the truth. After all, when he does not know him well, what motive could he have to slander him?"
"So, whether it is someone who knows the guy or does not know the guy, you will believe him if what he says is negative but not when what he says is positive, right?"
"You are twisting my words. See, what a person close to him says is more likely to be the truth only when it is negative. If it is positive, it will only be a cover-up. On the other hand, the relative stranger can be expected to know the truth only when it is negative. Otherwise, he is not likely to..."
"In other words, you totally negate the possibility that the insider may have his own ax to grind in pulling down the fellow. And the possibility that the outsider may only be saying things merely because it is more dramatic..."
"You are reaching...they may be possible but unlikely."
"So, there you go. The insider can be trusted to be truthful only when he says the worst. The outsider can be trusted to know the truth only when he says the worst. Ergo, people prefer to believe in the worst."
And, that seemed like the bitter truth. That, unless it is bitter, it is not considered true!