Diaries Magazine

The Blame Game

Posted on the 13 August 2010 by Cbhojwani

Marriage is not always a smooth road and truth be told, a level of adjusting and compromise are required by both parties. There needs to be an equal responsibility that has to be shared and a ‘bodyguard’ like attitude where you are willing to take a bullet for your partner.

Our marriage, is nothing like that! In fact, at every turn when Mrs. B misplaces something or can’t remember where she put a document or set of keys, she immediately turns to me and says;

‘I gave it to you!’

Even if I have no use for the item, the generic and most commonly used scapegoat is ‘But I gave it to you!’ The scary thing is that she says it with such conviction and sincerity, you genuinely begin to wonder if she really did give it to you! Even when you ask when this phantom transaction took place, in her mind she’s created a scenario that makes you think twice. I think she’s guilty of Inception! Thankfully, practicality sets in and my response is;

The Blame Game

‘But I wasn’t even at home!!!’

The Blame Game

More often than not, we search for the item and find it in her drawer or handbag after which I’m met with a sheepish grin. Unfortunately, this does little to rectify the problem since she blames me for the BP oil spill.

I can see it now, I’ll come home from work and look for the kids and when I ask where they are, I’ll be met with ‘But, I gave them to you!’

Marriage Tip 21:

If it isn’t your fault, it’s your fault!

Welcome to my fault… I mean my married life

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