Not too long ago, I got a work order to install a sink in a Starbucks. Different Starbucks have had other work orders for me in the past, like fixing an awning, unclogging their toilet, and fixing some ceiling tiles.
Because of the work, I really can’t say that Starbucks sucks. Anyone who pays the bills is okay by me, right?
A new sink for Starbucks
But I have to give my view on Starbucks anyway. Every time I go in there for a job, I just think of it as a dork-heaven where all the dorks are on their laptops, and they all think they’re the coolest.
Starbucks is for yuppies. Can anyone really disagree?
The people who work there are nice enough. They usually offer me free coffee when I do work for them. But I don’t really drink coffee, I stick with Mountain Dew, so I always say no.
And that’s pretty much my thoughts on Starbucks. The company is cool for giving me some work and for offering free coffee (even though I think coffee tastes like… well… only swear words come to mind). And the people who go there like to show off their laptops with the little apple on the back.