Last night some of the junior asked me what to say when asked in an interview "Tell me something about yourself". Since it's mostly an ice breaker everyone should be well prepared for this question. While i was listening to their answers; what surprised me most was that the term "Voracious reader" was on almost every other about me. It sounded pleasant that so many people are actually reading these days, but what dazed me the fact that most of them have read two or three the most obvious books that every Indian youth have read.
So here is the bookshelf of the Average Indian " Voracious Reader" . What Voracity really mean for them was these 10 books.
P.S - I didn't made it to offend anyone. It is just a personal Thought.
posted on 26 March at 01:37
These days, when I meet someone for the first time, I avoid asking if he/she likes English literature.