Yay - time for one of my favorite monthly posts. I really enjoy writing these sibling posts - I like being able to sit and properly reflect on how the boys have been getting on over the past month or so. And I like looking back at photos I've taken of them because photos of them together are probably my favourite, just after photos of all four of us together of course.
It's been a funny old month - a bit of an up and down one if you'd like. Ethan's getting very tired at school and we're finding that his full time school routine is just totally zapping all of his energy. But the thing with Ethan, and it's always been this way with him, is that when he's tired he actually appears to have even more energy and he can go quite silly and a bit crazy, in a way that is hard to calm down. He stops listening and I can instantly recognize it in him.
He's always loved his sleep - I remember him being the only baby on the ward that didn't wake/cry the first night that I had him. He used to nap up to four hours a day and he only gave up his nap when his nursery hours meant that he had to. I wrote more about school and the after school grumpiness and tiredness that we're going through right now in a blog post the other day. I know it's something that probably a lot of children go through, but it's sometimes quite a challenge to deal with, especially when he takes it out on us/his brother. But don't get me wrong, I know it's not personal or really Ethan's fault and I'm sure, in time, when he's more used to school, it will pass.
We're finding that Ethan seems closer to Logan when he's off at the weekend, I guess 1. because he's not so tired and seems so much happier for it and 2. because he starts the day with him and he knows that Logan is his friend for the day. And so for this reason we're so looking forward to the Christmas break, I can't wait to have Ethan home for a couple of weeks. I really think he could do with the break and I know that the boys will have so much fun playing together with their new toys.
I still feel in a state of not believing how lucky I am to be Mummy to these two, I don't know if I will ever stop feeling like that? I just love them both so much. They're both quite similar in that they're strong-willed, strong-headed and both very spirited, but they're also clever and creative and loving. I don't think that they quite realize how alike they are just yet - both in looks and in personality!
With the boys at two and four, we honestly feel like we have our hands full. We've spoken about if we'd ever like another child and quite honestly we just don't know, but we do know that we don't feel ready yet. We've left it at, we're going to see how we feel perhaps in two years time. But either way, we're happy. We've got our hands full and our hearts full and that's exactly what we could ever have hoped for. I think for us going from two to three feels like a much bigger jump and then there's all the practical things too like that the boys would have to share a room as we want to stay in our current house for the foreseeable future. And there's the fact that we'd need a bigger car and just silly things like that I suppose. But of course, it's more about would we cope okay? If our hands feel full now, how would we feel adding another to the mix. Is that what we want to do? Or do we want to solely focus on the two children that we are already lucky enough to have? It's such a personal and big decision and one I think we want time to think about. We want to experience more of parenthood before we decide on the final number of children that we'd like to have I guess.
But right now, we're having a lot of fun raising our boys. We both say how tough parenthood is, but we also both say how incredible it is too. I know that being a Mum is what makes me the most happiest. I know that having young children makes me incredibly content. And I know that life feels so much more fun with these two cheeky monkeys in it.
I also just wanted to say a huge thank you to JoJo Maman Bebe for the boys' absolutely adorable christmas pyjamas. I couldn't love them on then anymore if I tried to! I'm so looking forward to watching them open up their Christmas presents in them on Christmas Day. I think they look so cute!
Thank you for reading. Alex xo Please don't forget to leave me a comment below and share this if you've enjoyed it. ♡