The reason for our trip was to say our final goodbyes to my Grandparents (Brian & Irene - This is where Darcie got her middle name, Irene), who died over two years ago. We have waited for the perfect opportunity give them a send off that they would of wanted. To be by The Broads where they have spent many happy times together.
It has been a lovely day and it was nice to have us all together, completely relaxed and enjoying time with the whole family.

Darcie was quite intrigued by the boat, she loved seeing her favorite things, ducks and loved helping Grandad steer the boat.

As expected Darcie, did not want to sit still, with her new found walking skills she wanted to be on the move! Luckily we stopped for some yummy dinner at a Pub where she was able to stretch her legs, have a swing and refuel!

Whilst we stopped at the Pub, we were treated to this beauty!

We had such a wonderful day, its been a while since I have been on the broads, probably not since my grandparents died. Will be going back more often as it is such a beautiful place, this will be a destination for the summer hols!

Mummy B xoxox