The CBC Tablog – 2

Posted on the 02 August 2014 by Kaushikgov @kaushikgov

This post has been published as a part of ‘The CBC Tablog – 2′. Read the previous post in this tag by Susan Deborah here – One aspect of Chennai that I would like to change’
Thanks to Susan for passing the baton. She blogs at Meanderings and Reflections’ and is a great pillar of support for CBC*. She is an amazing person, who comes up with innovative, yet thoughtful concepts such as this tag, which motivates the CBCians to blog and come up with good action.

And here goes my post for the topic of ‘The CBC Tablog – 2′

What aspect of Chennai that I would like to change

Chennai is a melting pot built of people with varied cultures. In spite of the various lifestyles that exist here, there is a single unique charm about Chennai, that makes it beautiful and alluring.

I’ve always thought of few things that I wish to change and see the change happening in Chennai. One such aspect is Cleanliness. Chennaiites are of course very conscious and particular about cleanliness, but for many this thought ends with their home.

Chocolate/snack wrappers, water packets, torn pieces of posters, plastic covers, bus/train tickets, and several such ‘small’ things accumulate and create a mess which serves to destroy the otherwise good look of the city. More than an eyesore, these garbage tend to block the sewer/drain pipes, causing much inconvenience especially during the rains. Footpaths, public transport systems, parks, beaches are the main places where we can find this issue very rampant.

Uncleanliness is one thing which irks me a lot, and I feel it is in the aspect of cleanliness that Chennai must change. As I mentioned earlier, Chennai is built not of buildings and roads, but of people from varied lifestyles. The corporation is doing their bit, but we the people must do our part in maintaining the hygienic standards.

All that it requires from us is not tedious labor. Simple civic sense is required and that’s enough to keep our city clean. Just don’t litter irresponsibly and the city would keep itself clean. This applies to everyone, every place, every time!

And I personally feel that the sense of cleanliness is gradually catching up with many (slowly, but surely) I only wish that this sense spreads epidemically and it not very long to see a cleaner world.

I pass the tag to Sahithya Sridhar who blogs at Rythmica’. She is an amazing blogger and artist. Many DIY art and craft work are published in her blog. I wish her all the best to continues with the tag

*CBC stands for The Chennai Bloggers Club, which is a group of some awesome bloggers connected to Chennai. We’d be posting on this tag, one person each day throughout August, thereby expressing our views on which aspect Chennai must change/must be changed.


God Bless