the Champagne Social.

Posted on the 12 November 2013 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine

And there you go, le chat is out of le sac. The big mystery behind last week's Champagne jaunt? I was moving and shaking, meeting with producers to score some bubbly goodness for a little pre-holiday fête happening here in the City of Light. 
Along with the inspiring Cara of The Champagne Diet, the decoration master-mind Lauren of Folies du Bonheur and taking place in a gorgeous Habitat Parisien apartment, we collectively present The 2013 Champagne Social. 

How this whole thing came about was on a humid mid-summer's afternoon Gchat session with Cara. Fanning myself with a paper fan in my stuffy Parisian apartment, with great joy she informed that she had booked a ticket to London! With Paris being a Eurostar train away, she asked if it was worth seeing for the first time, even if it was only for a day or so?

Well I stand by the fact that Paris is always a good idea. Of course Paris is worth seeing for even the shortest trip! That's all I needed to say; within an hour her train itinerary was sitting pretty in my inbox.
Wanting to do something special for her first visit to Paris (God, I remember mine, do you remember yours?), I was planning on a small dinner party but as we got talking the plans got bigger, as did the guest list, and the concept morphed into not only celebrating her first trip to Paris, but the city itself and how it inspires so many women to create a new life, seeing beyond the basic geography of the move. 
The women I know here never cease to inspire me. All of them have taken on such passionate projects inspired by their circumstances here in Paris where a traditional job hasn't always been possible, or for those of us with jobs (you know, like my glamourous English-speaking nanny gig), still carving out time to pursue our goals, little by little, one day at a time. 
And that needs to celebrated. 
My days this week have been consumed with planning as the date gets closer, but I will keep you all posted on the turnout with pictures, fun gossip...and perhaps even a video? Now the big decision: what to wear?? What do you think?  What were your first impressions of Paris?  Did it inspire you as much as it does us or is it a hyped up cliché? Thoughts!