Take a peek into the life of a teacher working with children from poverty.
In my previous posts on the homeless, poverty and the “ghetto”, you got to peek into my teaching career. This post is a continuation of that theme.
The air was hot and humid. There was no air conditioner inside that old building and you could smell the heat. It smelled like the old laminator in the corner. Melting sheets of plastic coating that became the covetous desire of all new teachers. Oh, to see the sheets of shiny plastic coated items coming off of that machine. It made a new teacher giddy. As I signed out of the teacher resource center, I saw many names that were unfamiliar, but the school beside them was not. I was a new hire to that school. Typical “me” fashion says to everyone in the entire room, heyyyy ya’ll, anyone from BES here today? Cricket. Cricket. No answer. Oh that’s a shame. I’m the…
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