The Contentment Challenge was good for the few weeks then I kinda feel off the wagon. I was doing so well with watching what I was spending and my goals. I can't tell you an exact reason why I just stopped. Mostly work got crazy and didn't want to get out of my warm bed. I did really well on decluttering. Things in the house are really organzied and we have done really good at using everything we have before going out to purchase anything else. I only read one of the books I listed. (You are a Badass) I didn't blog like I wanted to, barely got 1 per week. We decided to put off marathon training due to work obligations. I am not Urbankick certified yet, but spend the time really focusing on Poppilates.
The Contentment Challenge - February 2019
Theme: Gratitude Verse: Philippians 4:11 Activity Challenge: Start working on Capsule WardrobeThis month is all about gratitude and being grateful for what I already have. I am super excited to create a capsule wardrobe because I practically live in leggings and Lululemon swiftly long sleeve. So I am going to create a capsule wardrobe based on workout clothes, everyday clothes with a few dress up clothes.
Goals: Read Seven and You are A Badass At Making Money Being 100% devoted to this challenge Blog 2 times a week Pay off 1 bill
What are your goals for this month?