The Contentment Challenge - February 2019 - Round 2

Posted on the 04 February 2019 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
If you are new to this space, I'm in the middle of my next round of The Contentment Challenge. Catch up with the posts below.
The Contentment Challenge was good for the few weeks then I kinda feel off the wagon. I was doing so well with watching what I was spending and my goals. I can't tell you an exact reason why I just stopped. Mostly work got crazy and didn't want to get out of my warm bed. I did really well on decluttering. Things in the house are really organzied and we have done really good at using everything we have before going out to purchase anything else. I only read one of the books I listed. (You are a Badass) I didn't blog like I wanted to, barely got 1 per week. We decided to put off marathon training due to work obligations. I am not Urbankick certified yet, but spend the time really focusing on Poppilates.

The Contentment Challenge - February 2019

Theme: Gratitude Verse: Philippians 4:11 Activity Challenge: Start working on Capsule Wardrobe
This month is all about gratitude and being grateful for what I already have. I am super excited to create a capsule wardrobe because I practically live in leggings and Lululemon swiftly long sleeve. So I am going to create a capsule wardrobe based on workout clothes, everyday clothes with a few dress up clothes.
Goals: Read Seven and You are A Badass At Making Money Being 100% devoted to this challenge Blog 2 times a week  Pay off 1 bill
What are your goals for this month?