Normally, I would be thinking about all the things to go see and do this weekend...However, I'm knee deep in thank you cards from a certain little boy and girl's birthday party (photos forthcoming.) We are so grateful to have such amazing friends and family to celebrate the occasion and not to mention make Santa look bad with all the goodies they got. #soblessed
This folks, is not an RSVP.
I know I've done it and from recent events I've attended or hosted, I know that's what many of us are doing. It's nothing new, but technology has made us lazy and rude. On the other hand, the hundreds of event invitations on Facebook have made it very easy to fill up our inboxes and feel overwhelmed by things to do and places to be. We just can't respond to everything. And it's just too enticing with the list of things to do to throw up a blanket "Thank you" message and feel like you've done your part. But have you?
I mean the overcommunication has made us actually quit communicating. (Now think about that one for a while.)
So while I'm by no mean Miss Manners or the gal to lead by example, I would love to hear your thoughts on Thank you notes and RSVPs. What's your experience with them nowadays? Do you think we should use them or are they a thing of the past? Should we create a campaign to reinstate them? Start a points system for those that do it correctly and not let others come to your party in the future (joke)? Do you have a service you use that you love for RSVPs? Are electronic thank yous enought?
Comments, please!