The Desert Dandelion

Posted on the 06 September 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
Happy Friday! Today, I asked Caitlin to do a blog post for me. Caitlin is an incredible writer. Every time that I start reading blogs, I always read Cailtin's first. She writes passionately and every post that she has published intrigues me. I can never skim them, I always read and re-read. Plus I think she is so beautiful. I always admire girls that do their own thing and Caitlin is one of those girls, she says what she wants, looks how she wants and I love that about her! I hope one day she and I can meet in real life. 
With that, here's Caitlin!

What is your most commonly used phrase?I go through phrases every now and then. The latest favorites are "womp womp" and Liz Lemon's "blammo!"
Who is your role model (outside of your family)? Why do they inspire you?Probably Tina Fey. There are some aspects of her personality that I imagine would turn me off in person, but in general she's an awkward girl turned awkward, awesome adult.
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?I could see checking out another career path, perhaps in counseling or therapy of some kind. I also wouldn't mind staying in higher education because I love it and it's challenging. In five years my husband and I may or may not have children depending on what life throws at us, and hopefully we'll be living somewhere awesome.
What is your favorite photo of yourself and why? 

I'd have to say this one. It's outdated now (I have more tattoos and blonde hair) but I feel like it is a pretty decent depiction of who I am (trying to be cute and mostly ending up awkward).
Do you day dream of living somewhere other than where you are now?I would love to live in the Pacific Northwest, and if money weren't an issue, maybe Hawaii. But really I don't care where I go; at this point in my life I'm pretty open to living anywhere as long as Rob is with me.
Take us back to your very first kiss.I only had one boyfriend before my now-husband and he gave me my first kiss. It was outside my parents' house on a particularly cold night. There was way too much tongue and it was mostly unpleasant.
What's one thing about you that is shocking or unexpected?
I work in training and public speaking is incredibly easy for me, but most nights I'd much rather hide inside watching TV away from people. Also, I have a degree in Russian. While I don't use it much, it does make for good conversation in job interviews.
Find Cailtin:BlogTwitter: @desertdandelion