The Different Levels of Nicotine Strength and Finding Your Sweet Spot
Posted on the 07 January 2020 by Sparklesandstretchmarks
Nicotine levels can be
confusing for new vape users. After finally navigating the labyrinth of
e-liquids and identifying several juices that seem to fit your flavor profile,
now you have to make a choice on what nicotine level is ideal for you.This is not a decision cigarette
smokers get to make since most combustible cigarettes come in a standard nicotine
ratio.However, it is a different
ballgame when it comes to vaping, and a pretty important one at that. Too much
of the nicotine and it could trigger some not-so-good effects such as headache,
dizziness and coughing; too little and you will be left wondering what the hullaballoo
about vaping is all about.A Simple Guide on E-Liquid NicotineUnlike regular cigarettes, e-liquids come in different nicotine
strengths, measured in milligrams per millilitre of e-juice
(mg/mL). In some cases, you might find the nicotine expressed as a percentage.For example, 12mg/mL could
also be indicated as 1.2% nicotine.Usually, the best way to find
the perfect nicotine level for you is through trial and experimentation.
However, the chart below can be a handy guide when gauging an e-liquid’s equivalence
to cigarette smoking.One upside to vaping has been
cited as the ability to choose your own nicotine strength, such that it is even
possible to start with a high nicotine strength and work your way down to zero,
if the goal is to wean yourself of this addictive substance.0mg/mL – Means there is zero nicotine in the vape
juice. This level is ideal for those who want to vape without getting any
nicotine in their system or those who have managed to scale their nicotine
consumption down from a higher concentration level. It is a common level in
high VG (vegetable glycerine) juices used in cloud chasing.3mg/mL – Ideal for vapers who used to be light smokers
(less than 10 cigarettes a day) or those who have managed to step down from a
more concentrated level.6mg/mL – Best for vapers who were light smokers and
might find the 3mg level a bit light. It is the lightest nicotine concentration
strength and often the maximum in many sub-ohming e
liquids.12mg/mL – Ideal for new vapers who used to be heavy
smokers (up to 30 cigarettes a day) or unfiltered cigarette lovers.18mg/mL – This is where it starts to get serious. This
level is considered the nicotine middle ground. A lot of heavy
smokers-turned-vapers find this level ideal due to its ability to deliver a
good dose of nicotine per draw.24mg/mL – Heavy smokers who used to do upwards of 20
cigarettes a day feel at home at this level.36mg & 48mg – A super high nicotine
concentration level most suited for people who used to chain-smoke or had a
serious addiction that involved smoking two packs a day.In some countries, there are
laws capping the level of nicotine that can be used in e-liquids, so you will
not be able to find some of these nicotine levels on sale. In the EU, for
example, high strength vape juice over 20mg/mL is not allowed.In the UK, the maximum
nicotine strength allowed in e-liquids is 18mg (for regular e-liquids) while in
salts – which can go as high as 60mg in some places – it is
capped at 20mg/mL.Choosing Your Sweet SpotWhen deciding which nicotine
strength is ideal for you as a new vaper, there are two major factors that
should guide your decision.One is your smoking habits and two is the type of device you plan to use.As far as your smoking habits
go, the nicotine strength chart above should serve as a rough guide. This is
not hard to figure out because, as we mentioned earlier, trial and
experimentation is the way to go.In regards to the type of
device, it is important to consider the vapour output when buying since this is
the factor that determines how much nicotine is consumed per puff.You will find devices with a low vapour production capacity,
including a majority of pod systems on the market as well as MTL tanks with a
tight airflow channels.Medium vapour devices can be found in multiple product
ranges. These include airier MTL (mouth-to-lung) tanks, pod systems capable of
taking sub-ohm coils, as well as sub-ohm tanks with a very restricted lung
draw.And then there are high vapour devices which include
rebuildable atomisers with large airflows as well as powerful
sub-ohm tanks. Nicotine salts are hard to find in this
category so most users opt for regular nicotine juices.Final ThoughtsBy and large, the most ideal
nicotine strength is the one that effectively keeps you off tobacco cigarettes
for good.Importantly, when switching to
vaping, it is good to acknowledge you are entering new grounds.While vaping bears
similarities to smoking, it is still a new territory at the end of the day, and
knowing this – and being prepared for it – will help ease the transition
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