The Dreaded Jeans Adventure…

Posted on the 04 February 2012 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Well that was quite an exciting shopping trip.  My younger brother is currently in the middle of a divorce.  The reason I am mentioning that is because I see him now more than ever, and I enjoy the time we spend together.  It reminds me of our childhood as we used to play together all the time.  He brings his daughter over to my house or I go over there and our girls get to have a great time.  This morning we were trying to think of fun things to do and somehow the mall popped out of my mouth.  Ha ha ha…I mean that was after I mentioned going outside on a nature walk, going to a local museum, etc.  Anyway, my bro says “Yeah, haven’t been over there in a while, let’s try that.”

We take our girls, mine are 10 and 9, yes that was crazy, and his is 4, along with our parents and decide to meet for lunch.  The music was so loud at first that I couldn’t even hear myself think and I felt like an old woman as the song sounded like someone was strangling a cat so I asked our nice waiter to turn the music down.  We all agreed that was the worst version of a Journey song we had ever heard.  Sigh.  Re-makes can be the devil.  Moving on, we finally make it out into the mall area.  We go into a few children’s stores and decide we want to go into one adult clothing store for a minute.

It was probably a bad mistake on my part, because I see a jeans display.  I can’t stay away from jeans as I am always on the quest to find the perfect pair.  Seriously, I have been looking for a new pair of jeans for months now.  I started looking well before Christmas.  The problem is, I am 5’2 and curvy.  That’s right.  They do NOT make jeans for short curvy people with a waist smaller than ummm the area below it.  So I grab an armful.  If they have one color wash I like, they don’t come in short.  If they have a skinny jean, they don’t have my size.  If they have bootcut, wait!  They have my size and color.  Look out.  Here I go.

I am getting a funny look as my entourage is following me.  My brother puts his daughter on his shoulders as she is getting restless and my girls are trying to push the shopping cart into displays.  Not on purpose…my little one is just short and can’t see over the cart well.  No idea where she gets her hobbit size…anyway.  To the dressing rooms.  I get momentarily distracted by a Yoda lunch box as its real metal like when I was a kid.  I tell my brother he needs it for work.  We both pretty much love Yoda and might make his voice at each other as we are chat sometimes.  For the women reading this, my brother is tall and is growing his hair out like Jared Padalecki, so a Yoda voice coming from him cracks me up.

My patient husband sits on a cube outside the dressing area.  Yay!!!  I need a smaller size.  Honey, can you go get me a smaller size?????  For those of you unfamiliar with things that make a woman happy, it is needing a smaller size in clothes.  We find a pair…unbelievable.  At this point, the entire entourage has texted, called, come back in the store, and decided they need to wait outside.  Whatever.  I am finding the perfect jeans.  Can’t be disturbed by you right now.  This is a difficult process.  They fit!  It is unbelievable.  Truly.  So here you go:

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”  ~David Joseph Schwartz