The Email That I Will Never Forget. She Wanted to Come out to Her Parents and Was Terrified.

Posted on the 22 July 2014 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

When I approached Momaha about a writing a parenting advice column, everyone involved imagined it being a funny, entertaining way to amuse parents. Now, a year later, it’s really developed into something much more than that. The Sassy Housewife still shows humor and provides entertainment, but now people are writing in about real, meaningful problems and are truly looking for help.

I have loved seeing it change yet still stay true to the goal of using my slightly/occasionally funny voice to let others know that I’m not an expert. I’m simply a mom/wife/daughter/member of one ridiculously large Italian family who might be able to offer a different view.

With that said, the email I received a few weeks ago is one I will never forget. It’s from a 15 year old girl who is scared to come out as a lesbian to her adoring parents.

I’ve never had a teenager write to me before and I truly felt honored.

I hope you’ll check out her email and offer your support as well. Every teenager needs a community around them – gay or straight.

To read, click HERE.