Well, I finally made a Facebook page for the blog, and got all my settings right so I can post to it, promote it on the blog, and share it to everyone I know! It only took me like an hour to do, and thanks to WordPress and their fancy widgets, Everything went slick. So why on earth would I want to start a Facebook page?
I have about a thousand more friends on Facebook than I actually need, but that nice surplus of friends leads to a huge base of people I can advertise to without doing anything at all more than posting a few things here and there. Now I can be far less annoying about what I am posting all the time! How exciting right? It was totally worth clicking on every single one of my friends individually to share it with all of them… Thanks to Facebook’s anti-spamming safeguards, there is no “select all” button, and people like me who are just trying to honestly tell their friends about things have to spend an hour clicking on everyone. Oh well.
While I was going through all the people, I realized how many people I really don’t want to be friends with! So I decided that by the end of the month I am going to delete anyone who is more than a year younger than me unless I know them well, and then go through and find anyone who I have never talked to and make sure to delete them too! I figure I will be down about 200 friends by the end of this process, so if you are one of the 200 and you read my blog, then please don’t take it personally. If you are one of the 200 and don’t read my blog, then I hate you.
Maybe phase 2 of this little project will be to delete everyone from my friends list who hasn’t subscribed to my blog yet! I have a feeling that will leave me with like 9 friends, and I would have to delete my girlfriend, so maybe I will hold off on that one until I am famous.
So please, like the new Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, comment, subscribe, and maybe give me your feedback on my contact page!