before we both fall to the floor.
skinned by my momentum.
bruised by my weight.
(I assign a string value of your name to the variable love and write to your ears(); nest myself in a syntax not hacked but compiled; like perl in oyster in reef; beginning in smalltalk, opening in saltwater, declaring a constant into existence until the heron invokes shell and calls code; and then we run together (); your warm arm brackets keeping us close ) #nanopoblano2018 #nablopomo #doesAnyoneStillCodeInSmalltalk #perlIsALanguageNotATypo #gibberishish #code #igpoetry #programmer #InstaRarasaur #instapoetry
My life has frightened the mynah perched on my brainstem. Her mimicry is trapped in my head. When I close my eyes at night, she says my world is dead ... dead. ........ dead. #nanopoblano2018 #nablopomo #ptsd #anxiety #whyILoveItWhenPeopleReachOutAndSayHey
I spent a beautiful few hours with the lovely Dani today. It's always a treat to spend time with my best-blogging-buddies. #allsmiles #aheartonthematter #pressers #tutuconvention #blokin
To get rid of the pigeons in our cities, we feed them birth control, or kill them outright with a shock to their nerves that traps them in convulsions until they die. To get rid of the pigeons in our cities, we make it illegal to love them, to feed them, to house them. We put barbed wire where their feet might go, and spikes where their wings might spread, and tar where they might set down their babies. Our native pigeons are dying, we've taken what they need to live. The pigeons we see everywhere... we bought them here. For tourism. We called free things dollars, and when they no longer turned profit, we called them useless, and when they survived despite us, we called them pests, and when they tell their children that this is home, we insist it isn't. 103 years later. We insist it isn't. And I know there is more to this issue-- I know I've gotten things blurred. But this story is so familiar, I forget we're discussing a bird. . . . "In 1915, California bought 150 pigeons to the Panama-California Exposition as a tourist attraction. It was successful, but when the show eventually ended, there was no more use for the birds." #nanopoblano2018 #nablopomo #californiahistory
A law for the birds: Five million silenced swallows. Give us back their songs. #TodayIVoted #ThankYouCaliforniaForLettingYourFelonsVote #haiku #nablopomo #nanopoblano2018 #votinglaws #felonydisenfranchisement #igpoetry #instapoetry #InstaRarasaur
My love's the orange in every sun, the blues of birds above. My love's a citrus-stricken sky. My love's a mourning dove. My love's the Gray in every moon, the flight of feathers done. My love's the rain after it falls. My love's a mourning one. Art by @snappingturtlearts #nanopoblano2018 #nablopomo