- Gratitude
- Positive Relationships
- Faith
- Self-Love / Self-Care
- Trying new things (Learning)
- Accomplishing Goals
- Helping others (Feeling Valued)
- Healthy Lifestyle
If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook than you know I only recently received my Fringe Hours materials. I have not yet finished my books. But, I already like what I have read and am excited to keep going through the books and materials. Here is what I received and my thoughts thus far on the materials.
My favorite thing that came with my Fringe Hours materials is The Fringe Hours To Do List Memo Pad. I love it because on the top of each page is says "The Real Priorities". This resonated with me because so often what ends up on my to do list are things that other people need done, what co-workers, supervisors, family members, etc... need done. I love that this is a place to list MY "real priorities". I started using this immediately.
The Fringe Hours is all about making time for you. This book shows you all the little bits of time you have that you could be using to have a more fulfilled life. Little bits of time you could be using for self care and to Chase Joy. I have not finished the book yet but what I like most about it is that it has a place for you to write down your thoughts on what you are reading. Writing things down helps me put them into action (hence this whole blogging about joy thing). Here are some of the chapters that I am most looking forward to Letting go of Self -Imposed Pressures, Identifying How to Care for Yourself, Embracing Help, and Finding Rest. These are all areas where I can make lots of improvements.
My Fringe Hours is about discovering ways to be more creative and fulfilled. The book covers Nine Principles of Self Care. It is written in a way that allows you to work through it from beginning to end or to jump around. This is great for those who are not linear thinkers.
The Fringe Hours Materials also came with a beautiful The Fringe Hours - Inspirational Journal entitled You Are Never Too Busy to Make Time for What You Love, Encouragement Greeting Cards and Post Cards. I love that the greeting and post cards come with a unique message on every one. Of course the Choose Joy post card is my favorite. I am looking forward to sending these to friends and family throughout the year. I have ended up with several new notebooks this year. I am designating my Fringe, You Are Never Too Busy to Make Time for What You Love, notebook to collect ideas for things that I would love to do or experience to keep in line with the title. There will be no day job or blog to-do lists going in this notebook. Simply a list of things that I love. Things that give me joy.
Lastly the Fringe Hours materials also came with The Fringe Hours Canvas Pouch, a blue and white zippered bag, that is the perfect size to hold my greeting and post cards. This will save me the precious minutes I'd waste looking for them when I'm ready to send them out.
I am excited about and enjoying my Fringe Hours Materials. Self-love and self-care is so important to having a joyful life. I am trying to get better at it and I want you to do the same. You can expect more post from me on how the The Fringe Hours helps me to love myself better as I continue through the materials. The ebook of The Fringe Hours will be on sale this week for only $2.99 so we can read it together!
Do you need to work on self-love and self-care? How do you practice self-love and self-care? Have you read The Fringe Hours or My Fringe Hours? Will you be getting your own copy of The Fringe Hours while it is on sale?
This is a sponsored post. I was provided with The Fringe Hours materials at no cost to review for this post. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.