The Fun Drawer

Posted on the 19 June 2012 by Meltingmoments

B2 has become obsessed with the drawers in the kitchen. I have safety latches on all the cupboards but hadn’t got around to the drawers yet. He loves opening and closing them and pulling things out and putting them back in again. I will find cooking utensils all over the house and toys in the drawers. Luckily there are only two drawers he can open. The top one he cant quite reach yet. One of the drawers he gets into doesn’t have anything dangerous in it and the other only has a few things he really shouldn’t play with.  The bottom two he cant open as they jar a little and he isn’t strong enough yet to pull them open (the one time something that is broken has come in handy).

I have just put a child proof safety latch on the top drawers to stop him getting into them leaving only the one drawer that he can open.

I have taken out all the kitchen utensils apart from a few he likes to play with like the spatula, wooden spoon, a few containers and put some toys in there.

This drawer is now the ‘Fun Drawer.’

He has had fun the last few days playing in there. It keeps him occupied for at least a short amount of time and is handy to distract him while I am preparing their meals when he will sometimes stand screaming at my legs as I try to heat them up.

B2 also likes to play with the latches
