I love this blog, but sometimes I have a love and hate relationship with this blog. I forget why I started this blog. To share my life and be a journal. I wish I had a reason on why I was so absent with everything lately, but I don't. I'm slowly learning that that's alright to be absent for a while. I don't need to apologize or give any explanation on why I have been. I wish I had a reason.
There have been many times I have sat down and opened up blogger and my mind went blank. I have so many ideas and things that I would love to write about but when I sit down everything goes out the window. I know that it's alright, but I have always loved to journal. I remember growing up and being able to write and write. I think because no one would ever read the journals that I could just be open and free.
I want to write what's on my heart, but I am afraid that I will be judged or that my thoughts are crazy. I want to be open and authenticate, and then I let myself get in the way.
I have been struggling with the purpose behind the blog. I have gone through all the emotions and spots that a blog could possibly go through. I blogged just for me when I had something to share, had sponsors on my blog, done sponsored posts. I am so thankful and have learned something along the way.
When I had sponsors on the blog I felt like it was a job because I wanted them to get what they paid for. I know that I have sponsored blogs and nothing. I wasn't super mad and un-followed them because I get that li
fe gets in the way or they probably didn't think we were a good fit together.Another issue that I have been dealing with is finding a niche. If I had to pick one it would be lifestyle blogger because I am kinda random and blog about a lot of things. I have tried in the past to limit some of the things on my blog like my love of sports. So I plan to blog more about me and what makes me happy and what's going on in my life.
Do you struggle with what to write about?