Diaries Magazine

The Ghosts of Holiday Shopping

Posted on the 27 November 2012 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7

The Ghosts of Holiday Shopping

photo credit: allerleirau via photopin cc

Happy Black Friday!  I hope that the day finds you productive AND safe!  Today I have decided to stay home and not buy more things I do not need.  I know, I can't believe that I just said that either.  I have a few gifts left to buy and I'm still brainstorming on the list.  Today I'll be sharing my past posts in case you needed a little extra help in getting going for ideas of how to start, where to start and where you can find some deals.
My Naughty and Nice List - giving you the information you need to start your list, step by step.
Where Can I Start My Holiday Shopping? - Gives you the first idea of where to start your holiday shopping if you're looking for unique gifts.
Black Friday Shopping- My thoughts on Black Friday Shopping.
The Giving Season is Upon Us...where to shop for your holiday gifts for you and for everyone on your list! - Self Explanatory AND some tips in the PS portion of the post.
Where to Shop...Parte Dos! - A continuation of all the great sites available to you to get great gifts at a discount.  Remember to check how long items will take to ship and the return policy.
This is enough to get you going.  Stay tuned next week where I share some of my favorite gifts that I've received, the gifts I have given and a special giveaway.  Happy Shopping!
Until then, The Ghosts of Holiday Shopping

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