The Gift of Kindness

Posted on the 17 February 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

A few weeks ago, one of my lovely readers emailed me asking if I knew about Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17, 2016. I was delighted to hear from her and said yes, I did. And yes, there would be a post about kindness.

Christine wrote back to say that she loves World Kindness Day and was going to take the day off. This year, she wanted to do more Random Acts of Kindness.

To quote her, "I know people's faces light up when they receive flowers. I also want to get my nephew, (he's 4) to participate and see how great it is do something nice. "

How heart-warming! I replied to her, asking if she would like to share an experience, add a quote to my post today.

Christine wrote back right away, and I consider it a privilege to share her words:

It was World Kindness Day 2015. I was driving out of my driveway and said, ok God, please send me in the right direction that people need kindness. I make cards and that day I had about 10 small gift bags I made with a flower I hot glued on the outside. Inside was a small ceramic angel. My first memorable moment was, I had stopped to get gas. An older man got out of his vehicle and we kind of smiled at each other. I went to pay and came back out. As he was abut to leave, I said "Excuse me. Today is world kindness day and I would like to give this to you." He looked at it oddly. He looked at me and said "Wow, I sure could use a little kindness today." I said "Well, then there you go." It felt so nice. Then I was on my way to eat breakfast and forgot I needed to get more cash. To get it I had to circle all the way back to almost where I had just been. I went inside to draw the money. A family came in and they tried to get money from a card. The machine was broken. The lady saw that I had gotten cash from my debit card. She asked if we could switch. That there was money on the card. I said, no, I couldn't do that. But I invited her to come with me. She had her grandson and a few others with her. I gave her two gift bags and said "here, here is a $20 bill. Today is world kindness day. I asked God to send the people to me and he did". She said "thank you so much". I was right and God did send them to me because I had to go all the way back to that location to get cash and God had them go there at the same time. Thank you so much, Christine! ♥

I like to think the "divine" lives in each one of us and we have several opportunities so show kindness to all those we come in contact with on a daily basis. When we get together and do Random Acts of Kindness, we can change the world.

Some easy ways I practice random acts of kindness are:

  • Smile - makes a huge difference in people's lives. Some people have told me it made a big difference in their day
  • Appreciate my friend
  • Send my colleagues a thank you note for being awesome.
  • Buy or cook food and offer it to the homeless / home for the aged
  • Compliment the people I take for granted
  • Collect magazines and donate them to the School for the Blind in my area - they use the glossy paper for their Braille sheets
  • Cook extra and share it with street folks
  • Make bottles of juice on a warm day and distribute to the construction workers.
  • Give gifts to people out of the blue for no reason at all
  • Offer my services for free for those who can't afford to pay
  • Speak kindly and use positive words - watch my language
  • Try not to complain - yes, that's kindness too!
  • Be nice to myself.
Here is a wonderful checklist of 100 Acts of Kindness for kids created by Coffee Cups and Crayons

And please don't stop at 100! Make it an everyday ritual - and habit the year around!

How are you celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day today?

Thank you for your comment ♥

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury