- Something restrictive?
- Something boring?
- Something involving a form of punishment?
Perhaps some people would answer all three of these.
Is Religion Restrictive?
People in modern America often think of God or religion as something that is there to stifle them. They think of church and a set of things they are told to do and not to do. They might also think since live involves so much suffering that God is not on their side and is waiting to punish them. People say if something bad happens it was willed by God and if something good happens it is because of something they did themselves. It is unfortunate that people look at things from this perspective.
God As The Source Of GOOD Things
It might come as a surprise to these people that God is also where all GOOD things come from. According to Christianity if something bad happens it is often because of the poor choices of humans and if something good happens it is because it is from God.
It is an overused belief by Christians that religion is not primarily a set of rules, but rather it is a progressive relationship with the Creator.
As opposed to the belief that religion is restrictive, Christian belief states that things like rules are some of the tools to help further a progressive relationship with the Creator. A progressive relationship does not always consist of pleasant things, but things that help mold character. Most people have heard the saying "It is good for the soul", which implies that it is probably not fun at the time.
A question that usually comes up is "Why does this have to involve suffering"? (Please refer to a previous post about suffering). There are many ways to respond to that question. One way is to rely that Christian tradition indicates that suffering is not for the sake of suffering, but rather for redemption. Getting meaning from life does not come from an easy life, but one where people gain an appreciation for human life.
When tragic events occur people frequently ask how God could let something like that happen. Things can seem so unjust at times.
However, God gave human his revealed word as a guide. Even though humans can not fully understand how God works the Bible talks about injustice as being temporary. We don't know why injustice has to be, but humans only see part of the picture that God does.
When good things occur, however, many people give themselves the credit for it, instead of God. There are exceptions, such as an athlete looking up after winning a competition. However, for the most part humans have a hard time giving God the credit when things are good. In these cases humans think they can do it on their own. As Jesus said to Pontius Pilate in the Gospels about putting him to death,
"You would have no power against me at all unless it were given thee from above." - Gospel Of John 19:11
Christians should realize we don't do it all on own own.
Do we ever stop and contemplate things? For example, without God you would not take another breath.
This adds meaning to life because: Religion is often associate with negative things in American society, but without God there would not be good things, either.