Yes, what a week ... 1. Starting with the Ugly: My neck. That is, my uncontrollable, hypermobile neck vertebrates are slightly in a wrong position, pinching the facial nerve. Ouch. I'm thankful for the skilfull massage therapist, ice bags and muscle relaxants from our doctor. 2. The Bad: As I was biking to work from the train station, this massive rain shower was all of a sudden pouring over me ... Luckily I was wearing a rain coat, but my jeans got soaking wet! I had just enough time to try drying my jeans with paper towels before the seminary started. The good is that I haven't caught cold. And, that from now on, I'll remember to pack my rain pants with me!Edited with Tangled Fx - App.
3. The Good, creative and sweet friend of mine, Gry, makes these beautiful ceramic earrings! I got these red ones as a gift from her. Gry's design could be characterized as a timeless, jazzy Scandinavian style with a twist of vintage and modernity. I realized that there only is 2 months to Christmas, and I got an idea to give some earrings as Christmas gifts - handmade jewelry art would be a lovely gift (and grateful to be send via air mail).Edited with Glaze and Distressed Fx Apps
4. This pretty house was the location for the last course module at work. It was nice to talk with colleques and discuss different cases, being inspired by the teaching and one another. 5. Cancer Awareness - week in Denmark: It is comforting to learn about the results in cancer research, about new and better treatment possibilities ... with focus on our fellowmen suffering from cancer, on their relatives and network. ... These were my random 5- both the good, bad and the ugly - Hoping you'll have a peaceful weekend, Nina Sharing with Random 5 Friday Friendship Friday Friday Photo Journal Simple Things Sunday