Diaries Magazine

The Guest Room For a Bed and Breakfast: Where To Start?

Posted on the 11 January 2021 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
The Guest Room For a Bed and Breakfast: Where To Start?

If you have a bed and breakfast, then you’ve probably had the issue of deciding how to decorate the bedrooms. You'll have to hold back filling it with your taste, as you will want it to be somewhere welcoming and relaxing for our guests. Here are some fantastic design ideas to get your interior juices flowing, your guests will never want to leave!


Of course, the bed is the most important part of the room, with it being the main feature and most of the time taking up the most space. The best way to spoil your guests is to invest in a really comfortable mattress, along with feather pillows and duvet. If you have the space, then go for a double bed so you can have couples come to stay. When it comes to bed style, it’s up to you really. Keep things neutral, and a bed with drawers underneath is a good shout as you can keep spare sheets and bedding there. 

Cool and Neutral

Not only is neutral décor perfect for guest rooms but is all the rage right now. You want to keep it minimal, so it adheres to everyone’s tastes, as well as keeping it tranquil and simple – nothing too busy! Engineered wood flooring is perfect when it comes to picking flooring too, as it’s timeless and neutral as well as being compatible with under-floor heating to really keep your guest’s cosy! Keep your surfaces clear of ornaments too, your guests will need surface space to put their things down!

Think Carefully About Furniture

Less is more. Your guests really don’t need that much, so don’t fill up your guest room with furniture for the sake of it. Invest in good quality bits rather than lots of stuff. Get them hanging space and drawers, very few of us like to live out of a suitcase for too long. Perhaps a comfy chair and a dressing table too?


A bed side table lamp is a must have of course, and a television if you’re really wanting to impress. Make sure the bed is next to a plug socket so they can charge their phone and make sure there’s a plug free for hair dryers and laptop chargers etc. Universal chargers are a good shout if you have guests from all around the world too!

There we go, some quick tips to get you started for your bed and breakfast guest room. Although these may sound obvious and simple, starting a bed and breakfast is a stressful time and sometimes it’s useful to have a structure on where to start!*Guest post

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