The Happiest Halloween Ever - 2013
Posted on the 01 November 2013 by Rodeomurrays4
If you know us 4 B's at all, then you know we just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Halloween! The two little B's in particular. Brady and I had to work last Sunday, and we came home to a house completely decorated with Halloween fun. Between Swim Team and Volleyball, though, we ran out of time for our precious pumpkins! But never fear, we got pumpkin carving in there...! Even if it was last minute. Right before we ate our pumpkin shaped pizza and went trick-or-treating! Brady made a special trip home so he could help us carve and go trick-or-treating. And he's really glad he did! It was the most fun we can ever remember having on Halloween!
The turned out so good!
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High) and Legolis (Lord of the Rings).
Is this the cutest picture ever? He looked SO ADORABLE in all that hair!
Clawdeen is howling!
If you can believe it, Britt carried his bow and arrow and Brailey walked the entire night in her high heels.
I struck a pose for Brailey in my "costume," which is a shirt that says "Cleverly Disguised as a Witch!" Yup - that's me!
Then Brailey took this one...
And Britt took this one. He told me to pretend to kiss Brailey - how'd I do?
Ready to trick-or-treat! This is the latest we have ever gone. And it was misting a little, but warm. The rain stopped by the time we were done. We had so much fun! They both got a little scared, even, which was so cute to watch. There are some really festive people where we go trick-or-treating. Brady and I were talking about how it is the only neighborhood we've ever gone to for trick-or-treating, ever since their first years going. We both had a moment of sadness realizing it is almost over. In a couple more years, they won't want to go. We are selfish, Brady and I, and insist on taking them. We just can't bear to miss out on the fun!
When I was a kid, I remember one of my favorite pictures my mom took of my brother and I on Halloween was at the end, with all our candy spread out on the floor. She made us the most adorable clown costumes ever, and we looked so cute! Kind of like Brady below with Brailey's eye lashes on. Isn't he something?!