The Hidden Dangers Of Beauty

Posted on the 19 March 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
The average woman in the UK spends an amazing £140,000 on hair and cosmetics during her lifetime, according to an article in The Independent. The woman’s beauty industry is worth approximately £300 billion per year and men are nearly spending the same.

Hidden dangers
Most women will dye their hair at some point in their life, but not everyone is aware of the dangers that can be present in some of the chemicals. If you are going to apply hair dye, then using disposable gloves, like these examples from Brosch Direct will protect your hands. An article in the Mirror online shows the possible dangers of hair colouring chemicals. Mother of two Julie McCabe used her usual home hair dye but had a severe allergic reaction, putting her on life support. Some experts say this type of reaction seems to be on the rise.

When making a visit to your local beauty salon you may not realize how easy it can be to pick up an infection from someone else, just by the staff not sterilising their equipment adequately. It’s always worth checking with a member of staff before you begin your manicure, pedicure or any other procedure. It is possible for you to catch a fungal infection, or something more serious, such as hepatitis. You should also make sure that you don’t have any treatment, especially a foot spa if you have an open wound or sore.
Chemicals to be wary of
There are a multitude of chemicals used in the beauty industry. If you are unsure about any allergies you may have, try a small amount of the cream or makeup to a hidden part of your hand and wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction. Other types of products to be aware of are formaldehyde, acetone and acetates, which are used in the removal of nail polish but are also renowned carcinogens.
Check your make-up
An article in The Daily Mail suggests that there are dangers in make up products that come into the UK from countries outside the EU. If you see any goods on sale in your local market or at a discount shop, then you should always check the product’s country of origin. Last year, Dr Jean Munro of the Breakspear hospital in Hertfordshire treated 800 women who had suffered from allergies as a result of the contents of their make-up.
Looks could kill
Even though there are many types of toxins in beauty products, from skin irritants to cancer forming drugs, it’s important to remember that product testing is mandatory and most goods are perfectly safe for use. In the UK you should always look out for the CE mark on the side of your beauty products as this denotes that they have been tested and passed by the EU as safe for use. The EU also provides a database of all approved substances, so if you are in any doubt you can always go online and check.
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