Self Expression Magazine

The Hunt is Over

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123
Borrowed from ABC News

Borrowed from ABC News

The million dollar manhunt is over, but maybe not the way we would have thought. News cameras for every network turned to the cabin in the woods near Big Bear Lake in California, despite the President’s address to the nation. Way to steal the spotlight there Dorner.

Sources in the area seem to all indicate that Dorner barricaded himself in the cabin and during a firefight, which killed one deputy, the cabin went up in flames. A single shot was heard from inside the house, and once the flames were extinguished the body authorities belive to be that of the fugitive was found inside.  Although assumptions are being made, there is still no clear evidence that says it is him in that cabin.

Well, I guess I won’t be getting my million dollars as planned. Clearly those who are prepared to act are more likely to succeed in situations like this. This shows that I should have everything I need ready in the event a manhunt like this happens again. I will have to be more prepared to take on criminals on the run. It honestly sounds a little too stressful for me, maybe I will just stick to this whole blog thing for a while before I go bounty hunting.

So what does this mean now? Well for a start it means 3 murders that will go unanswered for, and even though some say he deserved to die in the first place, he still should have had to answer for his crimes.  At least this case hasn’t been spewed all over the media in support of the gun control advocates… oh wait.   So really, now we are just going to have to wait for this one to blow over just like we do every other crazy thing that happens these days.

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