Self Expression Magazine

The Iceberg Illusion

Posted on the 10 January 2016 by Just For Clocks @JustForClocks

During the journey of life, I come across various posts and afterthoughts. This one has caught my strong attention. I also read that this drawing of Sylvia Dukworth's drawing was being introduced to the 5th graders.

As I ponder more over it, I feel that how true it is. More deeper I get into it, I start going more below the iceberg. No more does the surface above is important to me. I start understanding the depth rather than what it appears to be from the outside.

I guess it is the same with world-class performance. This picture must have been shared or seen a zillion times, but I do it again. Perhaps I want to rethink myself of what success is! Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that success doesn't happen overnight. In our daily lives we read about famous people, look at our mentors, attend conferences and see all the amazing teachers. We see them being transformed we forget to ask the question - "How did they get there?"

I think we have to remember that we need to dig deep down and look at the roots. We need to examine these roots of success to see what it really takes. Deep down there we would then be able to see:


The above are something that we never realise or able to see. However, by sharing and owning those failures, learning from disappointments, being that persistent educator, and developing those good habits will result in a successful, engaging environment where we will witness what success looks like!!

Be that educator that understands what it takes to be successful and begin constructing your iceberg today!

So if you want to be successful, you'd better prepare for what it is underneath the iceberg.

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