The Influence Conference Recap

Posted on the 14 October 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson

I love The Influence Network. I love that they have podcasts too each and every week. I have admit that I am a little behind in which I have no reason since I am now unemployed and chill a lot at home. I watch a lot of Sex In the City and Law and Order, but my podcasts get backed up. Anyway. 

The Influence Network exists to be a starting place to equip and encourage you in your passions and projects right where you are. I love this mission statement. But sometimes I feel what are my passions. What are my projects? 

Each year they HAD a 3 day conference, and this past October was their last conference. They said that they are going to start having 1 day events multiple times a year. They haven't released much more details than that, but I can't wait to see what they come up with. I know that where it is I will have to travel, because nothing comes to West Virginia. (There is only 1 other person in WV part of the Conference.)

So we left on Thursday morning and started our trek towards Indianapolis. I rode with Samantha from Moving Peaces. It was so much because we had a lot in common. I loved that we are from Iowa, so it was fun to talk about everything Iowa. 

When we got to Indy it was a little hectic. The hotel didn't have many of the rooms available. So I waited almost 3 hours for a room. So I carried my stuff around to register and anywhere else that I went. At check-in I was a little nervous and Katie quickly introduced herself. Then I found a ton of other girls that I followed from instagram or classes. It was like everyone said: It won't matter if you don't know anyone because everyone will talk and give you hugs. It was so relaxing. Once I finally got in my room I ordered dinner before the first night activities.

The first activity was a party of Shama Women. They are such a great organization. The whole conference we heard about all the great things that they are doing. I don't want to mention too much, but I highly recommend you check them out for yourself. 


The morning started with Hayley Morgan talked about a divided heart. I haven't heard Hayley talk much but they more she spoke that weekend I decided that she is my spirit animal. I was reminded that I need to give myself margin, which I know that I already knew that. I just don't follow through so much. 

The first break out session that I went to was with Erin Loechner about Lean Back: Encouragement for the Weary, Tired, and Women in the Trenches. I needed this one and I loved the analogy that she used about learning to swim. 

There are 5 steps that you need to follow: Trust Yourself, Recognize the Struggle, Rest, Ask for Help, and Wait. So teaching kids to swim you first have to know your strengths and limitations. You aren't going to get it right the first time but just got to do what you can with what you know. Once you do it you have to recognize when you are struggling. After that rest. God call us to rest, and sometimes it may not be good, but we are called to sit in it. I am learning to sit in what I am right now. It's not always confident but I am trying with God's help. Then ask for help. And Wait. 

The Every Women Panel was awesome. For some reason I thought that I needed to be an expert. I needed to know more verses. I needed to have a better testimony. I need this or that. I don't need any of that. I am not that point. God is the point, and HE will give me the words to say. The people around me are the people who are suppose to be hearing the words. 

After lunch was members only event and it was suppose to be with Lara Casey, but she was sick. And I was heartbroken. I was really looking forward to seeing her. Instead it was the awesome Nancy Ray and Gina Ziegler doing a mini Making Things Happen Conference. I really want to go to this conference, but I can't justify the amount of money especially now doing the spending freeze. I need to be better about filling my mental mason jar with positive and uplifting things. Lord, whatever you have for today let me sit in it with you. 

Before I came to the conference I was trying to plan what revivals I wanted to go and I narrowed it down to: Wellness and Work. Some of them I crossed off immediately because I didn't feel connected to it. But after the member only event each of the leaders said one sentence about their revivals. That made it really tough because some of them where really good. Like Ministry for example I was thinking very surface level about it ministry. For those who are in ministry and/or how to get into ministry. But she said What's your calling as her 1 sentence. Ugh!! i needed that. 

My first revival was about work with Nancy and Gina. I have been struggling with work and what I should be doing. I have mentioned this several times over and over that I am jealous that Gary gets to go everyday to a job that he LOVES. I want that! I also have tons of ideas constantly about starting my own business and just haven't made that jump yet. It was great because a lot of ladies that I met earlier in the day were the class too. I didn't get as much as I thought I would because I compared it to one of Nancy's classes. I still enjoyed, but just not what I expected.

During the Conference and practically everyday since then I have heard the saying Wherever you are be all there! by Jim Elliot. I get it!! I am really trying to be all where I am at. 

I went out for dinner with some girls from The Peony Project. Then went to the Wild and Free party. We got the first 2 chapters of Jessi and Hayley's new book. Wild and Free. I can't wait to for it come out. You can pre-order the book here. I already finished it and waiting for more. My biggest takeaway: Identifying the places that I feel disappointed and give it to God. I also need to learn to let go of expectations. 

I recently saw a facebook saying that you need to stop thinking that people are going to treat you the same way that you treat them because they don't have the same heart as you. This has been really on my heart lately along with letting go of expectations. That also led into my new mind frame that I am going to do what's best for my people and other than if you don't like or agree with it. That's fine with me. 


The day started off with Jess Connolly. I go back to this talk so much right now during my struggle. I don't have to worry about being found out about. The war has already been won. I need to also let go of my strongholds and pretenses. I just need to worry about my relationship with God and go with my people. 

After her chat I was ready to fight. I was ready to be new. I don't want to be the same. I want it to be for his glory and not mine. 

The other session I went to was Ruth Simons and being armed with the truth. I have been struggling with this because I don't feel like I know enough of the word to preach it to myself. I love all the verses that she gave in different situations that we may encounter. I also enjoyed how she mentioned doing it in the mundane activities. I need to do that more often. 

My second revival was Wellness. Which I had heard so much good stuff about the class, but I knew I wanted to come to this class before hand because I am studying to be a personal trainer and I thought it would be more about her business Revelation Wellness. This class was awesome, and completely not what I expected at all. 

I had so much fun at the Conference and really sad that it had to come to an end. I was actually a little nervous to come back to the "real world." I knew that I had changed, but nervous on how people would receive me. I try to say it doesn't matter because I am a daughter of a great God, but I am still human I still want to be accepted. 

Have you heard of The Influence Network?