The Inheritance of Loss

Posted on the 01 December 2015 by Heartbaredtoyou121 @naughtytushki

The heart,
You know,
it has bled
and so have the eyes
the pain is still there
and the grief never ending
but there is one good thing about it
it is shareable
Shareable with each one who have lost
Lost somebody close or loved
and everytime I see them wailing for them

I share their grief
and the eyes turn moist
and the heart silently bleeds
It feels like so much time has passed
but the wound hasn’t healed
Still fresh,
in essence and memory,
making me human,
making me realise,
I am not the only one carrying it
and making me empathize with those who have lost
It is an inheritance,
this wound,
that I can share with the world
‘The inheritance of Loss’

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