The Joy of Unconventional Resolutions

Posted on the 02 January 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy

Me and Hurty rang in 2013 chillin, no makeup, hair undone

Happy New Year Joy Chasers!!!
Everyone, OK not everyone, but lots of us are setting resolutions for 2013.  Some of us are off to a great start while others of us have already had a cookie, cigarette, or spent money online shopping and will have to start over tomorrow.
I have a few things I want to focus on in 2013.  They are a little different from the typical resolution but they will be challenging nevertheless.  Here goes (of course it's a list, you know I love lists):
  • Continue my resolution from 2012 to leave my house every day.  Sometimes I still have to push myself to get out there and have a life.
  • Continue with a resolution I've been making for almost a decade, to stop doing things I don't want to do.  It is getting easier.  But this saying No thing is really something that constantly requires practice.
  • I will not go on any diet or new fitness/eating plan for at least the first quarter of the year. 
  • I will not step on a Scale.  Now this one and the no dieting go together.  I'm honestly scared to death of them.  They feel backwards because resolutions are often about dieting, exercising and giving up sweets.  These are things I've tried and focused on for years now and have only watched the scale go up.  Mental Note watching the scale does not prevent it from going up*  I want to learnt to trust myself, accept myself, and love myself outside of any sort of wellness plan and how well I'm sticking to it.  Now I still believe I should treat my body as my temple.  I just want to do it naturally and intuitively instead of being on some sort of plan.  I would like to have these be year long resolutions but I will focus on just the first quarter of the year and see if I want to stick to it or not.
What are your plans for 2012?  Do you make resolutions?  If so, are any of them unconventional?