The Joy of Women Getting Social, My SITS Day

Posted on the 16 January 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy

Me at Bloggy Boot Camp Philly 2012

Yay! Yay!  Today is my day, My SITS Day!!!
A lot of you bloggers will no what that means.  For those of you who don't know, MY SITS Day means I am being featured on The SITS Girls site , Where Women Get Social.  The SITS Girls is a community of over 40,000 women bloggers networking and becoming better bloggers together.  The SITS girls share connections to brands, tremendous amounts of knowledge, and bring bloggers together in person for Bloggy Boot Camp.
So now you understand why I am so hype!!!  It's my day!
If this is your very first time at Chasing Joy, welcome.  Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am single girl in her early thirties  (I think I can claim early thirties for at least another year).  I am not yet a mom but hope to be one, one day.  I work full time and blog as much as I can (whenever I'm awake and not at the day job).
I started blogging about 3 years ago after my dad passed away.  I was having a hard time emotionally and wanted to find my way back to being my normal happy self.  Around this same time two of my friends started the blogs Belly Aches & Belly Laughs and Big Diva Headquarters.  After reading there blogs I though I can do that.  I have always liked to write but could never find the right topic to stick with.  I figured the short essay format of blogging would be perfect.  All signs pointed to go when I thought to myself, maybe if I write about happiness I might find my way back to being happy.  Thus I started Chasing Joy, and it worked!
On Chasing Joy I write about my life and my pursuit of happiness.  This includes the ups and downs of dating, having better friendships, setting goals, and trying new things.  On the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and on twitter we set goals on Make it Happen Monday, Encourage each other on Way to Go Wednesday, and we practice and attitude of gratitude on Thankful Thursdays. So make sure you "like" me on Facebook and follow me @Chasing_Joy on twitter so you can join in the fun.  Every Friday on Chasing Joy we revisit our older blog posts on the #FlashbackFriday Link up!  I also make an effort to connect with you readers in person by attending conferences, hosting charity events, and bringing Joy minded people together for Lunch & Learns.
I really appreciate you stopping by on My Day!  I'm supper psyched about getting to know all of my new bloggy friends from SITS.  I hope you will visit often.  Here are a few of my most popular posts:
Any Questions: How do I get more FB "likes"?
Mental Health Monday: My Confession
What a Blog Conference Can Teach You: The Joy of Bloggy Boot Camp!!!
Unhappy Holidays: Chasing Joy with Green Eyes
Joyful Accents - Vlog
Let me know which ones you liked the best.