Creativity Magazine

The Joys of Adult Playtime

Posted on the 14 January 2014 by Peppertan

The best days of my life were my childhood days.  Life was so simple then, stripped of the complications of technology and soap opera-inspired drama.  All a child needed to thrive was having these four basic needs met: food, shelter, clothing and play.  I could say with absolute certainty that, luckily, I was one kid who had all these needs satisfied.  Although I may have been on the waifish side, I was never lacking in play.

I couldn’t care less about getting my skin burned to a crisp as I spent hours under the sun.  If I wasn’t out on the streets, playing skipping rope with the neighborhood posse, I was diving and splashing at the village pool.  When the homework was done, I’d grab a quick snack and once again convene with the neighborhood kids for a session of role-playing games.  We’d play teacher-student or husband-wife-with-kids.

And then this question begs to be recognized: Do I still play as an adult?

Since it may seem awkward- maybe even ghastly- to see a woman in her late thirties take to the streets and jump up and down on a skipping rope (bobbing breasts, notwithstanding!), I have chosen other alternatives to play.

After a long and tiring day at work, I sometimes pick up the guitar and play a few ditties.  Alice Cooper would’ve been proud.  On days when I don’t feel so musically inclined, I instead try to do a bit of yoga.   When inspired, I write.  These days, anything that’s relaxing is play to me.  Going on Facebook, by the way, hardly qualifies as relaxing (just a side note!).

We all know that all work and no play makes for a dull person.  Find whatever it is that brings you joy and indulge yourself.  The last thing you’d want to be is dry and lifeless.

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