The Joys of Single Life: Before Marriage Bucket List

Posted on the 20 May 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
I want to get Married.  I want a husband. I want to be a Mrs. At age 33 I know that this milestone will occur sooner than later.  So it is best that I spend this time, before marriage, enjoying single life, focusing on myself 100%, and cross some things off of my BMBL, Before Marriage Bucket List.  I got the idea to create a BMBL from Heather who blogs at Diary of a First Time Mom.
Here is my list of things to do and skills to master before I become Mrs. Chasing Joy.
  • Get to a weight I'm comfortable with. I need to lose weight to be healthier and to feel more confident. I think it will be easier to do this now when I can devote my time and attention to it.  Now I am only focusing on cooking for myself and I do have time to exercise that I won't necessarily have when I am married.  Also I should establish these routines now.  
  • Learn how to keep house.   I'm just not good at this.  While I like to cook, I'm really not very domestic.  I am guilty of having more things than I have space for, of not putting this up, and of letting things like dishes pile up .  I don't want this to be an issue in my future marriage.  Or I can just get a maid.  I'm seriously considering the later.
  • Go on vacation  by myself.  I have traveled alone but never for vacation.  I have gone out of town by myself several times for work.  I have gone away for blog conference.  These types of trips have built in schedules and purposes.  I have traveled with friends and family.  Those trips were fun but require coordination with others and consideration of what they want to get out of the trip.  I want to go away by myself for no particular reason other than to visit someplace I want to go.  I will be able to do whatever I want on my own time schedule.  This will require me to be a bit brave as solo traveling does feel a little scary.  
  • Buy myself an expensive piece of jewelry.  There is no reason for a modern woman such as myself to have to wait for a man to give her an expensive piece of jewelry.  
  • Take my boudoir photos.  This has been on my to do list for a while.  I want to capture my sexier side in print.  I may have a hard time selling this to future husband.  I also want to do this just for me and not as a gift for him.
I am really surprised that there are not more things on my BMBL.  I guess there are more things I would not mind and even look forward to sharing with the future husband. Things like having children, joining a church, celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special occasions and moving into my dream house.
If your single what's on your BMBL?  If you are married what would you recommend a single girl like me add to her list.