The Kid and the Kite

Posted on the 17 April 2017 by Skip1957 @skip1957
I'm not sure where it all started, how it started and even why it started. Some 50 years ago, our family, as an easter gift, decided to give the children, along with colored eggs, chocolate, and other assorted hyper inducing candy... a kite!This tradition contiued, and still continues. My wife went shopping with my mother, about a week before she had a slight heart attack (she's fine now) and since it was easter shopping she suggested a kite! So my grandson was here yesterday, and my wife gave him what "we" had gotten for him for easter. He took the kite out of the package, put it together (some assembly required) and decided that I should join him in testing the kite out.  We live in the city, and aren't close to a park, so all we had was a large parking lot with a lot of cars in it. This parking lot is surrounded by several large trees... a real runway for kite flying, indeed.   The wind was just right, but the kite was not cooperating at all. We did try, although a failure, it was fun, and exhausting at the same time. After several attempts, and twice getting stuck in a tree, which we managed to free it from both times, we decided that kite flying was not one of our best or suited our abilities.Personally I blame the kite, it was cheap, and if i'd have read the fine print, it said, not guaranteed to fly! :)My grandson wound up the string, and both of us headed back into the building, I think my wife had more fun just watching us from the balcony then we did. She was laughing so hard that the tears of joy were running down her face. I'm sure some of the tenants in the building were either laughing or wondering if this old guy had lost his mind, and where were the guys with the white coats.Well after our little adventure, we had a great supper of baked ham, scalloped potatoes and homemade coleslaw with my son, my grandson, and my sons latest fling. A little conversation, a few cocktails,some music, and a beautiful day. I think it's time we gave up that kite thing as a tradtion and started another one... maybe basket weaving... it would come in handy at easter.  BB84CBJNBGNM