
The Kingdom of God is Within You

Posted on the 05 October 2012 by Ldsapologetics

The Tao that can be explained is not the Tao.  And it is also true that wisdom that can be memorized is not wisdom.  For one to be wise an inner change must take place.  Wisdom happens within oneself.  All higher knowledge follows this example.  We are all students but we all are in need of a guide.  Not a teacher so much as a guide.  One who will lead us to the door but will never force us through it.
We are deprived of a true growing experience when knowledge is forced upon us.  Peter talked of teachings the mysteries to the kingdom of God in a certain order to allow for true understanding of the principles.  And Jesus said we should not cast pearls before swine.  What that means is we cannot teach those who are not ready.  A true disciple is only a disciple when they are truly ready to follow knowledge wherever it leads them.  Many reject the truth when confronted with it, it either makes no sense because they have skipped the steps to understanding or it offends their sensibilities.
29 Man was also in the abeginning with God. bIntelligence, or the clight of dtruth, was not ecreated or made, neither indeed can be.30 All truth is independent in that asphere in which God has placed it, to bact for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence. D&c 93:3031 Behold, here is the aagency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is bplainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.32 And every man whose spirit receiveth not the alight is under condemnation.33 For man is aspirit. The elements are beternal, and cspirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;34 And when aseparated, man cannot receive a fulness of joy.35 The aelements are the btabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even ctemples; and whatsoever temple is ddefiled, God shall destroy that temple.36 The aglory of God is bintelligence, or, in other words, clight and truth.37 Light and truth forsake that aevil one.
Man was in the beginning with God because as Jesus said ye are gods.  He got that from Psalms.  We are eternal, we have no beginning and we have no end.  After all, only that which has no beginning can have no end.  We are eternal; we have access to the intelligence of God which has no end.  It is written in scripture that by the spirit all things may be known.I quoted scripture that said we were with God in the beginning so I ask what if we were one being with God in the beginning.  What if the divine spark we carry within us, that is our soul is literally a sliver of the substance of God?  And that true exaltation might entail becoming one with the Father again as Jesus said he was one with the Father?
The god particle is called that because it is the particle that exists in all things to give mass and there is the nifty trick that if an element is broken up and you influence one particle the other no matter how far away reacts instantly as if possessing an intelligence of some sort.  And this God particle could be the thing that the light, the very fine substance, uses to infuse all matter with the intelligence necessary to accomplish its tasks.  And if properly commanded can even be used to calm a storm or turn water to wine.
Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you.  And it is, all the mysteries of the Kingdom are to be unlocked with the help of prayer and the spirit.  We must look within and look to the spirit to guide our way. 
“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”  (Luke 17:21)
This means more than just having an inheritance awaiting us in the Kingdom in the next world, it means that the next world is within us and we are part of it, we are children of God but we are part of God as well, we were one with him in the beginning.  And now we have our individual identities and personalities but we can have that union that communion with God through meditation and prayer. 
And thereby feel oneness with God and with all of creation, with all of our brothers and sisters throughout time.
And another facet of Mormonism not often talked about these days, not as much as it once was, is that there are other worlds where there is life, where there are people.  Science knows this based simply on statistics but we knew of this based on the teachings of Joseph Smith.  For if we were truly the only intelligent beings in the universe then as infinite as the universe is, for as infinite a number of worlds as there are then wouldn’t that be an awful waste of space?   
The Bible says God knows the number of stars and calls them each by name.  And so we too must have a unique name known to God.  After all, how much more are we to him than even the stars in the heavens?
When the KJV of the Bible says that God spoke to Moses and said his name was I AM THAT I AM it was a mistranslation, the Hebrew reads I AM BECOMING THAT I AM BECOMING.
As author J.J. Dewey puts it:
"Perhaps a key is that when God said to Moses he is becoming rather than he just is.  Because becoming implies action, movement, evolution, whereas I AM implies a static, unchangeable state.  Now all religions that I know of think that God is perfect and does not change, but I AM BECOMING implies a God who is changing and moving maybe toward a higher state.  Could that mean he isn’t perfect? I mean if he were, he wouldn’t have the need to evolve any further. Maybe humans are gods for the very reason that we are imperfect and that we are also in a constant state of change and evolution."
As Mormons this should some more familiar to us that is does to many of us.  A lot of these things are not spoken of outside the Temple and that is a shame in the sense that learning should extend to all areas of life through all avenues.  Joseph Smith taught that all religions have some truth to them and that one must use the power of discernment and the spirit to pry truth from fiction.  These teachings also ring a bell for many who study eastern religion or new age movements.  But most of those schools of thought lean too far in one direction or the other, to discover truth balance must be achieved.
And this does not just mean relying on the true events of Gospel stories, I mean after all a parable which is fictitious may also be just as capable of teaching a truth as a true event.
Remember when I spoke of God calling the stars by name and that each of us has a unique name God knows us by?  Well, on the atomic or sub-atomic level even matter becomes defined as waves or vibrations so maybe we all have a unique vibration or frequency as well.  And all things do as well so that truth and light, all that is righteous, has a certain frequency or vibration and all that stands to oppose that which is good likewise has a certain vibration or frequency.  Well, if we tune in to one or the other we open ourselves to instant communication from that side of the universe so all we have to do is tune ourselves into the frequency of righteousness and all we need, want and seek may be opened up to us.
Ya know, knock and it shall be opened unto you?
The next time you have available go outside after dark and just look up at the heavens.  Think about how many stars you see and how far away they are. The Bible says God is as far above our knowledge as the sky is above our heads, so that is pretty immense.  And think about how many worlds are in orbit around those stars and what kind of life they may have, think about the fact that we are all part of the same creation, all created by the same God.  And that our time here is meant for our growth as souls, our eternal progression by experiences that we can only have during a mortal life.  Take time out every day during the next week to try scripture study, time in nature, by true communion with God through prayerful meditation and see where you are in a just one week, it’ll surprise you.

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