Diaries Magazine

The Last Argument We Had

Posted on the 07 March 2013 by Mamamelch @HillaryMelch
I blame Etsy.
Basically, we had an argument because our walls are unbearably bare in our apartment, and I want to put something on them.  We decided a long time ago that we aren't going to paint our apartment.  While it would seriously add character to paint it up like we'd like it, we aren't willing to shell out the money to paint property that isn't ours twice.  (We'd have to paint it back white upon moving out.)
We're also currently saving up for and contemplating where to buy our first home.  This has me in all sorts of Pinterest inspired dreams of how we could decorate it and what I would do if we had our own place.  I'm really excited to buy our first house, though it is still at least another year away, and I just like dreaming about it.  I've never been a really creative type when it comes to decorating, but I blame this on a serious lack of money and always having been a renter in my adult life.  This is going to change.
This is how the fight went down:
Scene: Andy had just come home from his soccer game, and sat down next to me on the couch where I was curled up with my iPad.  I'd been perusing art on Etsy searching for pieces to compliment the room ideas I had floating around in my head.
Me: Hey, what do you think about this for in the kitchen?
Andy: Which kitchen?
Me: Our kitchen.
Andy: This one here?
Me: Well sure, but I was really thinking about the house.
Andy: Whose house?
Me: Our house!
Andy: Where exactly is this house?
Me: I don't know!  Does it matter?
Andy: Don't you think it is a little more important to know where this future house will be before we start decorating it already?
Andy: I just don't see the point of getting all excited about decorating when...
Me: You do realize that we can decorate where we live now too right?
Andy: Well, I just...
Me: You just want us to have to purchase all of this stuff at once?
Andy: I'm just saying that we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.
Me: And I'm just saying that we can start buying some of this stuff now to make it feel more like home here too and then move it to the new house and to spread out the spending and make it pinch less on our budget for the house.
Andy: The one we don't even own yet?
Me: Yes.
Andy: Oh...ok.
And then we went to bed.
Mama’s Losin’ It

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