Creativity Magazine

The Legacy.

Posted on the 19 November 2012 by Ashleylister @ashleylister

The Legacy.Earlier on this year, you’d have found me proud as anything of our Olympic games. I was positively gushing on here about how the feel good factor had swept us all away, made us all want to go out and try new things.
As we begin to wind down what has been a mammoth year, we’re told that PE at schools has made no significant gains and the number of kids getting into new sports has begun to actually decrease and slow down. Of course, we knew this was going to happen but to hear it on the radio at the same time as I was reading about the ‘nutritional poverty’ of the nation (nobody really getting 5 a day, unless Alcopops and Lollies count) made me scoff a little. Whatever happened to the legacy. The theme this week is 'things that make you proud', so I went for a bit of patriotism. 
We’ve had two years of savage cuts and there are more to come. The kids are eating fruit and nuts and sitting on their bums. The Playstation network crashed last year and for a while we moved, but glitches fixed, it has returned and probably improved. There is new COD, no time for God, no time to teach young morals. No time to run, no time for fun they’re having online quarrels. Yes, even the fighting is done online, the fat are getting fatter. But bankers make their money too, so none of that can matter. We march the fit off, in vehicles, when old enough for war- all in the name of keeping nutty bombers from our shores. So here we are, in self-inflate mode, blowing up our own. We’re walking to the sweet shop and then getting buses home. We’re less fit than we’ve ever been, we’re living to an age obscene, the hospitals are never clean but someone’s getting rich. Yes, I’m so proud to be a Brit.
Thanks for reading, S

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