The Liebster Award !!!

Posted on the 09 February 2013 by Chhavivatwani @chhavivatwani

*sob sob* oh my God, I have tears in my eyes. Whenever I saw this award go around from blog to blog, I have always found my inner voice say, "Even I want this award..! " with a puppy-eyed face. And finally, my inner voice is bawling her eyes out now that I have received the award!!

Yayyy!!! This award is made even more special because Menachery passed it on to me! I never knew she liked my blog! Hello! Girl, if you like my blog, come talk to me, I'm all ears and open arms. And no, I'm not just saying that because you gave me an award, but because I really mean it. I love all of the people I've found in the blogging community as they support you and help you to grow and write better.
The Liebster Award (German. Liebster: Dearest) is yet another cool aspect of how blogs help blogs grow. So congratulations Menachery for getting the fine award! And thanks so much for passing the torch to me, I'm honoured!
Cutting the chase to the new rules of the award, I have to:
  • Post 11 things about myself
  • Answer 11 questions from the nominator
  • Choose 11 deserving bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Set 11 questions for them and inform them that they have been awarded!!
So, ahem ahem, basking in the glory of the award, I get to say 11 things about myself:
  1. I love everything aquatic, although I don't know how to swim! But I never miss out on a chance to get soaked in the rain. 
  2. The rainy muddy smell is my favorite scent.
  3. I simply ADORE sea horses! -even though I've never really seen one!
  4. No, I'm not Aquarius, if that's what the above 3 points suggest. I'm a proud Aries.
  5. Two things I can spend fortunes on: perfumes and watches!
  6. I'm a dork. I read Harry Potter, Twilight, Game of Thrones, Hungry Games, anything Dan Brown, Paulo Coelho or just about any kind of fiction.
  7. I HATE to sleep. Unless of course I'm drop dead tired.
  8. I do not follow any particular God, or religion. God means just one God for me. Although, I find Jesus (sometimes Parvati) appearing before my eyes if I close them and pray.
  9. I love to sing, even though I can't sing good. Especially with someone.
  10. I'm a eco-friendly person. I hate unnecessary noise. And littering.
  11. I love love. :)
Now, Menachery has also asked me some (11) questions of her own, which I'll try to answer, so here goes:
  • What is the craziest thing you have done to increase your Blog followers?
Whatsapp them my link! (Didn't work.)
  • What is the best story/poem/post you have written so far?
Well, Musk is one poem which is the most visited and shared so far (and not just for the image).
  • Who is your Favorite Follower?
I don't do such favourites. All my followers (read: readers) are dear to me.
  • One comment on your Blog that made you Rofl
None. Not really.
  • Do you feel a compulsive need to keep updating your Blog?
  • Funniest Post you ever read.
Not the funniest, but this one by Madhur Chadha is very strong and sarcastic: 8 pm rape in Gurgaon: Letter from men.
  • Do you feel that certain comments are just to patronize you, or rather to get you to comment on their post. How do you deal with it.
Well, yeah some people do comment just to get a comment in return. But I feel it's a part of blogging. Just like this award. So I'm game! :)
  • If you had a magic lamp, what would you wish for , on your Blog
That my poems reach the whole world, every single person.
  • What is/was your dream profession?
Keeps changing. I used to dream of being an animator working with Steven Spielburg.
  • If you had to snuggle up all by yourself, with a book, which one would it be, and why.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I never get tired of it. I know, I said I'm a dork!
  • If you had to publish your Blog, what would you name the book?
Sour Lemons and Tequila
Now, my 11 nominations:
Oh boy, this is tough. Ok, drum rolls and applause for..
Congratulations all of you!!! :) Now, here are 11 questions for you to answer:
  1. What made you start your blog?
  2. What does this award mean to you?
  3. What is your favorite candy?
  4. What do you read? Your favorite book?
  5. Link and/or photo of the perfume you currently wear.
  6. A sweet happy memory from your childhood.
  7. Four favorite poetry/blogging communities/hubs you visit often.
  8. A childhood dream that you'd like to accomplish.
  9. Your life is going to become a script for a movie. Who would you like to play you?
  10. Book or a movie?
  11. You get to become a villain for a day from a Disney movie. Which villain would you be?!
Loads of love,xoxo