It’s every woman’s worst fear, along with the closure of Oxford Street and
It all began when my brother, Sumit and I took him shopping for a new TV. The weekend went something like this’
From shop to shop we skipped,
While he questioned, queried and quipped.
He fussed and fiddled with the knobs,
And went on about hertz, resolution and other bits and bobs!
Two days we spent while he pondered,
Two days we thought we squandered!
‘I’ve never seen you so confused.’ I stated.
‘It’s a lot of money to spend.’ He iterated!
He finally picked his Samsung,
‘I’m buying this for you’ slipped off his tongue.
‘This isn’t for me, I want my Chanel!’ I clarified.
The expression on his face was nothing short of terrified!
He undressed her in our bedroom,
And turned her on with the excitement of a groom!
Two months ago, I was the woman in his life.
Now it feels like that plastic Sammy is his wife!
My wife has a point but her story remains incomplete.
That night when I turned on my Sammy,
With my grin wide and my hands clammy.
I marvelled at the magic of the L.E.D.
Along with the 100 hertz and internet capability.
When I looked over at my wife, Mrs Bhojwani,
She too was mesmerized by the clarity.
She was lost in the 46’ L.C.D. Abyss,
And she whispered, ‘I love it. I’d forego a Chanel for this!’
Marriage Tip 16;
If you’re going to bring a home a ‘mistress’ make sure she enjoys it too!
Welcome to my married life, now available in HD!