'The Mo' Has Mo-rphed

Posted on the 23 November 2011 by Alison @AlStaples
It's time for another update on the finest mo in Manchester.
The end is finally in sight - but this week it mo-rphed into - I'm not quite sure what. Look at him straight on and he's grown the letter 'W' across his face. I like to think it stands for 'W'onderful. 
It does feel a bit like snogging an old man - not that I have much experience of such a hobby!
For those of you who missed my previous updates, it's a Movember mo, so on the 1st of December, the mo will go!
Movember is an initiative which aims to raise awareness of and funds for research into male cancers. 
If you would like to support MoBro Tris - click here for his MoSpace site.
And so, ladies and gentlemen - this weeks growth!

'The Mo' has mo-rphed

The 'W'alrus of Love.