The Moments in Between

Posted on the 13 June 2013 by Augustabelle

The weeks tick by, one by one, and my babies grow.  My youngest fattens up, learns to smile, then laugh, and is suddenly a full fledged baby, a newborn no more.  My eldest sheds the last traces of infant-hood from her face, her body, her mannerisms, and her wardrobe. She emerges one day as the completely independent spirit that we've always known her to be.  And meanwhile, the toils of life must go on; the songs must be sung and the laundry must be hung and the bills must be paid and the trains must be caught.  It recently occurred to me that the days were flying by far too quickly for my liking, and then one day I realized that it was not only the days, but the weeks, months, and seasons too.  And now is nearly summer.
Sometimes it feels that life, in all of it's glorious maddening magic, condenses itself into a cascade of events big and small, filling each day to the brim and spilling over into the next.  Things to do, people to meet, places to go and see, and schedules to keep. It's all well and good, and fulfilling as could be, but it can grow at times to feel a bit sharp around the edges- a little too predictable.
To remedy the situation- the situation of a full life that's only bound to grow fuller, I've learned to live in between.  In between sunrise and sunset, in between naps and bedtimes, in between leaving one place and arriving at the next.  It's these moments in between, as we're briskly walking to the subway to make our way to the next meeting, where Biet and I chat and make up a new song and dance.  It is in the handful of hours in between lunch and dinner when we bond with new friends over our mutual love of green smoothies, or discover a new amazing chocolatier around the corner.  In between a reading at the Bookstore with Naomi and a party in Williamsburg, the Union Square Farmers Market becomes our grocery store, restaurant, and playground. In between point A and point B is where, just maybe, much of life happens.  I am beginning to realize this more and more, and trying my best to appreciate these hidden moments.  Because when I do, the whole world opens up, and I don't miss a second of it.