Diaries Magazine

The Moon is Making People Crazy…

Posted on the 06 January 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Or are people just going out of their minds all on their own?

I am not too sure which it is, but today I just wanted to bury my head in the sand and stick my ass up in the air for the world to kiss.

I mean that in the nicest of ways.

I started out the day fully motivated to get some stuff done.

Some stuff of my own. Like inside me stuff.

I haven’t meditated for a very long time now, over a month. With me that is a bad thing. I need to be grounded, I need to focus and clear the shit that builds up inside my head.

I started out thinking I was just going to have a small meditation, but after I lifted some weights and tired myself out, I decided maybe I needed more than a 15 minute session.

I went on Youtube and found the most amazing meditation I have done for a very long time. If you have meditated before, you should try this. I highly recommend it. Take from it what you need.

It is long…but I feel way better having done it.

I am getting sidetracked from crazy here though.

So after my meditation, I felt great. Ready to take on the world.

But hot damn…the world was mean today.

I truly believe in the law of attraction. I know 100% that I was not negative when it started out. Sometimes social networking is a bitch that way. You have no control over what is thrown at you.

I have had a couple of instances in the last week or so, where I have felt like people are lashing out. Not intentionally maybe, but lashing out nonetheless.

For no good reason.

Now I understand that we all have crappy days. That’s life. It can’t all be rainbows and fucking lollipops can it?

But people maybe need to suck stuff up a bit and not take it out on people who in no way deserve to be in the line of fire…so your husband is a dickhead. Please don’t take it out on us. It’s not our fault, and to tell you the honest to god truth, we don’t really give a shit.

I haven’t belittled anyone lately because my life has been hell on wheels, you shouldn’t be able to get away with it either.

I fight the battles, I deal with my own stuff in my own way and I try to be nice to the people around me, even when I am tired and bitchy.

I don’t give a damn if the moon is full this week or not. It is no excuse for crazy. Or mean.

People need to learn that making other people feel like less will in the end not accomplish their mission of making themselves feel better.

Why don’t people understand that to make your life more positive you have to BE more positive.

Be NICE to people.

Treat other people with some respect, no matter who they are, you have no idea what their battles are, what they have lived through or what they have to deal with every. single. day.

This weekend when the moon IS full…I am going to be laying low.

I am going to be getting a facial. Thank you to my lovely brother and sister-in-law…I love you guys, you really have no idea.

I am going to go for a walk. I am going to clean up my house. All things that don’t involve much human interaction.

I will be missing on facebook…because for two days in a row…it can bite me. Again, I mean that in the sweetest of ways.

Happy Friday folks xoxo

The Moon is making people crazy…

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