Diaries Magazine

The New Kid on the Block…

Posted on the 08 May 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

The New Kid on the Block

Our house right now, is kind of like attending the first week of school.

In that I mean there is a new girl, and she is just trying to fit into the already clicky group.

Let me explain a little better.

My friend Dee has gone away for a mini vacation, and asked me to look after her baby for her while she was gone. You will soon see why I jumped at the chance.

So yesterday I brought her home.

It was seriously like the new girl in school for the first day.

First she was introduced to the ladies man, he is the one that is always nice to all of the girls, but doesn’t have much use for other macho guys, he is the man of the place and struts it.

That went fine, he was easy to win over with little to no effort, and was just as quickly brushed off until a later date when he would possibly become useful to her.

Then came the stuck up girl, the one that thinks she runs the place and is super aggressive in the first 5 minutes. This was tolerated only until the new girl realized that she would need to nip it in the bud immediately or it would get out of hand.

The stuck up girl has been put in her place and is somewhat afraid of the very much smaller but no less threatening new girl.

Then came the big dog, you know the girl that is happy go lucky, generally likes everyone but just gets up in your face after you have just dealt with two other high maintenance meetings, and are just ready to lay down and take a nap. The over excitement and possible face licking was put to an immediate halt by a sharp bark and nip. Fair warning.

The other big dog, was ignoring the new girl, possibly intimidated by her tiny stature or just plain afraid he would fall in love with her as soon as they slept together. I see the ice melting and love will indeed be inevitable.

As of right now, a day later we seem to have come to an understanding, everyone is being polite to the new girl, and she is starting to fit into the crowd, her shyness is slipping away and she will soon be the popular girl that everyone wants to be with.

She is starting to warm to everyone and becoming part of the clan in a very easy transition, though I am sure she wonders where the hell her real mom went and why is she suddenly with all these crazies.


The stuck up girl (being the cat) keeps fair distance, taking note that size is indeed not going to be to her benefit in this situation and she will probably not boss the new girl around like she does with all of the rest of us.

The ladies man (being Odie, our small dog) is just his normal goofy self. He is fairly hard not to love, though Emily takes it in stride, basically ignoring his cuteness.

The big dog (being our lab Bailey) is still not really sure what the hell to do with the whole situation. She looks at me with longing eyes as if to say, dude…I was just getting used to the stupid cat licking my face and now THIS? What the hell?

She is curious though, and very gentle…in spite of the clumsy labby part of her demeanor.

The other big dog (being Bruce) likes dogs more than people in general, and will in no time be trying to steal my Emily snuggles…she is already preferring his side of the bed to mine. It really is only a matter of days.

So Dee…don’t worry about your baby. She is fitting in well, and she has been eating her food…mostly because she seemed to realize right away that if you don’t eat it when it’s put out in this zoo, someone else is going to sneak around the corner and suck it up and you will be shit out of luck.

She won’t be bored while you are gone and will have everyone here under her paw in no time…

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