Diaries Magazine

The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson We Learned from the Last One.

Posted on the 18 March 2013 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7

The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.

photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) via photopin cc

The world was buzzing this week with the news of the NEW Pope. After weeks of hearing the announcement from former Pope Benedict XVI that he was stepping down, Catholics became concerned. He is the first Pope to resign since 1415. Popes prior had remained in their position until death. While I am thrilled that Pope Francis I has calmed our fears of being leader-less we must not overlook the lesson we just learned.
The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.
At 85 years old, Pope Benedict XVI made a decision to put Catholics first. Old age and a weakening heart left him without the strength to give his all. Being Pope is no easy feat. Not only does it require a physical stamina but a mental one as well. I know people would like to criticize him for resigning but I think he made the best move for himself and for us. Dedicating the rest of his life to prayer, we're all reminded that our body is of mere flesh, but our spirit is not of this world.
Pope Benedict XVI will continue to look over us from afar. It takes a big person to step down from such a high position of power. It takes an even stronger person to put others in front of himself. He is a true example of a man who walks in the footsteps of Christ. It reminds us all to try a little harder.
These are the thoughts that stay with me as I think of today's Mass. It is what I am reminded weekly as I attend rehearsal of The Stations of the Cross. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we would be saved. Am I doing enough?
The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.
On a lighter note, the camera crew from News 12 was a little distracting but then its not everyday that an Argentinian becomes Pope. The current priest of St. George's Catholic Church, Father Elio Sosa is Argentinian as well. News 12 did a brief interview of our priest who felt extremely happy to have a Pope chosen from his home country. Now that our Pope has been chosen I hope that brings the Bridgeport Diocese one step closer to choosing our Bishop. Our former Bishop, Bishop Lori is now the archbishop for the Archdiocese for Maryland.
Did you join in the celebration of the new elected Pope?
I leave you with one of today's readings:

The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.

English Translation

Until then,
The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.

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